Have you ever had a day when you want to make a card, but you just don't have an inspiration to get you going? That would be a great time to head for your copy of the Stampin' Up! annual catalogue. There are hundreds of fabulous card ideas contained between those pages.
I know that if you are like me, you will go through that catalogue more than once. Here is what mine looks like (and I've only had it a couple of weeks!):
Those post it notes across the top are pages marked with items I intend to purchase aka my wish list. And the orange tags down the right side mark cards samples that I plan to use as inspiration or to CASE. (Copy And Share Everything).
Here's the card I CASEd from Page 134 of the catalogue two days ago; (I love the soft pastel shades which I'd not normally use.)
Though it's not 100% identical to the one in the catalogue, it's close enough to mention that I CASEd it.
Following is the supply list for what I used to create this card. Feel free to CASE mine or to go back to the catalogue to create your own version.
As always, clicking on a supply in the list below will take you directly to my store to make a purchase.
Product List